Hardware List
Revision as of 02:02, 4 January 2022 by Skwhadmin (talk | contribs) (→Sensors (and physical controllers))
List of Hardware Components
Sketching with hardware requires some hardware components. For creating a functional prototype we typically need a microcontroller, sensors, actuators, and components to link the parts together.
To get started and to follow the course only a small set of parts is required. You can do many of the exercises and tutorials with only a microcontroller (e.g. ESP32, ESP8266), a few LEDs, and some resistors. We recommend getting started and once you like building things then get a hardware kit.
In the following list, we have marked the components that are in the LMU hardware box with 'LMUBox'.
Microcontroller and Main Boards
- ESP32 Web Kit with integrated OLED Display from Heltec LMUBox
- ESP8266 D1 Mini
- ESP8266 ESP-12F NodeMCU Module from AZDelivery LMUBox
- ESP8266 ESP-12F OLED NodeMCU Module with integrated 0.91" OLED Display from AZDelivery
- ESP32 TTGO with OLED Display
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- Raspberry Pi
- LEDs in different colors to connect externally, many in the LMUBox
- RGB LED multi-color LED, 2x in the LMUBox
- LED Ring NeoPixel, LMUBox
- OLED LCD Display connected via I2C
- Piezo Speaker, 2x in the LMUBox
- Speaker, 2x in the LMUBox
- PAM8403 Stereo Amplifier 5V, 3W+3W, Digital Power Amp Module to use with speaker
- SG90 Servo Micro Servo Motor, 3x in the LMUBox
- Stepper Motor and ULN2003 28BYJ-48 ULN2003 5V Stepper Motor + ULN2003 Driver Board; 2x in the LMUBox
- IRF520 Module Power MOSFET switching module ('electronic relay')
- ...
Sensors (and physical controllers)
- push button, several in the LMUBox
- Switch, LMUBox
- LDR Light dependend resistor, 4x in the LMUBox
- Potentiometer short Poti, changeable resistors as slider and knobs, several in the LMUBox
- Analog Joystick, LMUBox
- PIR Sensor passive infrared motion sensor, LMUBox
- Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04, distance sensor, LMUBox
- MPU 6050, Six-Axis (Gyro and Accelerometer) LMUBox
- ...
Raspberry Pi
- Resistor, different in the LMUBox
- USB-Power, module to attach a power bank or external USB power source, will be in LMUBox
- Elko, electrolyth capacitor 2200uF, will be in LMUBox
Tools and Connectors
- Micro USB Data cable, in the LMUBox - make sure to use a data cable - not a power cable!
- Breadboard, 400 connectors, 830 connectors, both in the LMUBox
- Connector cable, different types in the LMUBox
- Aligator clips, 4x in the LMUBox
- Multimeter, LMUBox