Open HW Session 2022
Join us for a fun hardware building session[edit]
- Date: 28.11.2022
- Time: 17:00 to 22:00
- Location: Munich, Frauenlobstr. 7A, 3rd Floor
- no prior knowledge required!
With the open hardware session we would like to get people excited for building their own hardware.
In this session you get a chance to build a system using a Raspberry Pi Pico with sensors (e.g. a distance sensor Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04, a light sensor LDR) and actuators (e.g. a speaker Piezo Speaker an a led ring LED Ring NeoPixel).
Can you create a novel and fun game with this hardware? If you don't stay close to the wall the others will hear you. If you don't move around your light will go on. Who is able to sneak to the next room without being caught?
Or do you have a different game idea?
If you are interested in Sketching With Hardware please come along - no registration required - just join us!
We have all the hardware for building the system, but please bring your own laptop (with a USB port).
Script used to kickoff the session[edit]
# WS2812 RGB LED Ring Light Breathing
# with the Raspberry Pi Pico Microcontroller
# by Joshua Hrisko, Maker Portal LLC (c) 2021
# Based on the Example neopixel_ring at:
import array, time, utime
from machine import Pin
import rp2
# RP2040 PIO and Pin Configurations
# WS2812 LED Ring Configuration
led_count = 12 # number of LEDs in ring light
PIN_NUM = 13 # pin connected to ring light
brightness = 1.0 # 0.1 = darker, 1.0 = brightest
# Photoresistor declaration
photoresistor_out = Pin(27, Pin.OUT)
photoresistor_adc_read = machine.ADC(26)
# HC-SR04 distance sensor declaration
distance_echo = Pin(17, Pin.IN)
distance_trigger = Pin(16, Pin.OUT)
distance = 0
@rp2.asm_pio(sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, out_shiftdir=rp2.PIO.SHIFT_LEFT,
autopull=True, pull_thresh=24) # PIO configuration
# define WS2812 parameters
def ws2812():
T1 = 2
T2 = 5
T3 = 3
out(x, 1) .side(0) [T3 - 1]
jmp(not_x, "do_zero") .side(1) [T1 - 1]
jmp("bitloop") .side(1) [T2 - 1]
nop() .side(0) [T2 - 1]
# Create the StateMachine with the ws2812 program, outputting on pre-defined pin
# at the 8MHz frequency
sm = rp2.StateMachine(0, ws2812, freq=8_000_000, sideset_base=Pin(PIN_NUM))
# Activate the state machine
# Range of LEDs stored in an array
ar = array.array("I", [0 for _ in range(led_count)])
# Functions for RGB Coloring
def pixels_show(brightness_input=brightness):
dimmer_ar = array.array("I", [0 for _ in range(led_count)])
for ii,cc in enumerate(ar):
r = int(((cc >> 8) & 0xFF) * brightness_input) # 8-bit red dimmed to brightness
g = int(((cc >> 16) & 0xFF) * brightness_input) # 8-bit green dimmed to brightness
b = int((cc & 0xFF) * brightness_input) # 8-bit blue dimmed to brightness
dimmer_ar[ii] = (g<<16) + (r<<8) + b # 24-bit color dimmed to brightness
sm.put(dimmer_ar, 8) # update the state machine with new colors
def pixels_set(i, color):
ar[i] = (color[1]<<16) + (color[0]<<8) + color[2] # set 24-bit color
def breathing_led(color):
step = 5
breath_amps = [ii for ii in range(0,255,step)]
breath_amps.extend([ii for ii in range(255,-1,-step)])
for ii in breath_amps:
for jj in range(len(ar)):
pixels_set(jj, color) # show all colors
# Function for HC-SR04 readout
def ultra():
while distance_echo.value() == 0:
signaloff = utime.ticks_us()
while distance_echo.value() == 1:
signalon = utime.ticks_us()
timepassed = signalon - signaloff
global distance
distance = (timepassed * 0.0343) / 2
# Main Calls and Loops
color = (255,0,0) # looping color
blank = (255,255,255) # color for other pixels
cycles = 25 # number of times to cycle 360-degrees
for ii in range(int(cycles*len(ar))+1):
for jj in range(len(ar)):
if jj==int(ii%led_count): # in case we go over number of pixels in array
pixels_set(jj,color) # color and loop a single pixel
pixels_set(jj,blank) # turn others off
photoresistor_corrected_readout = photoresistor_adc_read.read_u16() - 60000
photoresistor_ratio = photoresistor_corrected_readout / 5535.0
brightness = photoresistor_corrected_readout / (5535.0 * (1 / photoresistor_ratio))
pixels_show(brightness) # update pixel colors
time.sleep(0.05) # wait 50ms
##below: breathing LED
red = (255,0,0)
green = (0,255,0)
blue = (0,0,255)
yellow = (255,255,0)
cyan = (0,255,255)
white = (255,255,255)
blank = (0,0,0)
colors = [blue,yellow,cyan,red,white, green]
while True: # loop indefinitely
if distance > MAXIMUM_DISTANCE - 1:
distance_corrected = MAXIMUM_DISTANCE - 1
distance_corrected = distance
range_per_color = MAXIMUM_DISTANCE / len(colors)
breathing_led(colors[(int)(distance_corrected / range_per_color)])