This is the course Sketching with Hardware at LMU in Summer Term 2020
Topic of this terms course: Connected objects[edit]
This term we ask you to invent and physically sketch connected objects.
The project topic is described in more detail at: Project Topic SoSe2020
Tasks and Requirements[edit]
The course includes several tasks. First, there is a self-paced preparation phase with individual tasks. Then there is a group task to explore how connecting devices in different locations over the internet works. And finally, there is the group project. This is the main thing - you should make a fun hardaware sketch!
- Individual tasks and group assignement in the preparation phase
- Group Project SoSe2020
Kick-off Meeting[edit]
27.7.2020 at 17:00 (90 Minutes, Zoom) – life online event
- Introduction of the topic and format
- Showing examples of the hardware and tools
- Talking about resources
- Introducing participants and teachers
- Building of groups of 3 or 4 students – groups will work remotely
- Kits can be picked up (or shipped) to students individually.
Preparation phase (self-paced)[edit]
10.8. to 28.8.2020
The is a detailed description of the tasks and requiements at: Tasks SoSe2020
There are different video Tutorials available, e.g.
- Tutorial Basics
- Tutorial Digital IO
- Tutorial Analog IN
- Tutorial Display
- Tutorial Network
- Tutorial AutoRun
We will have a Discord Server were you can log in when you are working on your project. This way you can talk to the other students and help each other out and chat. On workdays, there will be at least one knowledgeable person in the virtual lab so you can get help.
Intermediate Meeting[edit]
31.08.2020 at 17:00, (90 Minutes, Zoom) - live online event
All group project proposals are presented (if you cannot make this date, you may submit a video recording of your idea)
See Tasks SoSe2020 and Group Project SoSe2020 for details and requirements.