Passive Infrared Sensor
(Redirected from PIR Sensor)
A PIR Sensor can detect motion, it is also called motion sensor. It detect moveing people or animals. PIR stands for passive infrared. Here we use the SR602.
It has 3 connectors:
- - connected to GND
- + connected to 3.3V
- Out - digital output is 1 if motion is detected
This one is the HC-SR501 sensor and it should be connected to 5V, GND and a digital Pin.
How to connect it electrically[edit]
How to control it in MicroPython[edit]
Reading the value and printing it to the console
#Example usage for ESP32
from machine import Pin
from time import sleep
# digital input on pin 26
pir = Pin(26, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # enable internal pull-up resistor
while True:
pirVal = pir.value()
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