ESP32 Wifi Kit v03

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The documentation for the ESP32 Wifi Kit v03 can be found at:

The resource downloads for the ESP32 Wifi Kit v03 at:

One of the most important documents is the Pinout Diagram:

For advanced users there is also a schematic (should not be required in the basic class):

This is in general very similar to v1 or v2:

It uses a newer version of the chip (ESP32-S3), hence it requires a different micropython image - the firmware version with Support for Octal-SPIRAM:

To flash it use the follwing commands (you may have to change the port and need download the bin file, I also had to update esptool to support esp32s3):

  • python ./esptool --chip esp32s3 --port COM9 erase_flash
  • python ./esptool --chip esp32s3 --port COM9 write_flash -z 0 C:\Users\recording\Downloads\GENERIC_S3-spiram-oct-20230816-unstable-v1.20.0-379-ga18d62e06.bin

Also many pins have changed.

I did not get the onboard LED to work. This should be Pin 35. But this seems to be used by the SPI interface.

The changed pins are also relevant for the OLED LCD Display connected via I2C. SCL is now 18 (was 15) and SDA is 17 (was 4), the reset pin is now 21 (was 16). There is an updated version of the driver file, now called - OLED LCD Display.