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from machine import Pin, ADC
from time import sleep
# Initialize the light sensor (LDR) and LED
ldr = ADC(Pin(12))
led = Pin(20, Pin.OUT)
def get_duty_cycle(light_value):
# Map the light value to the duty cycle
# Completely dark (350) -> 90% on, 10% off
# Completely bright (790) -> 10% on, 90% off
min_light = 350
max_light = 790
min_duty = 90
max_duty = 10
duty_cycle = min_duty + (max_duty - min_duty) * ((light_value - min_light) / (max_light - min_light))
return duty_cycle
while True:
# Read the light value
light_value = ldr.read_u16() # Read the analog value (16-bit)
light_value = (light_value / 65535) * (790 - 350) + 350 # Scale to 350-790 range
# Calculate the duty cycle
duty_cycle = get_duty_cycle(light_value)
# Calculate on and off times
on_time = duty_cycle / 100.0
off_time = 1.0 - on_time
# Control the LED