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[[Category:Raspberry Pi]]

Latest revision as of 15:06, 12 June 2024



Here are some links for the Raspberry Pi Pico board:

The starting page:

Board pinout

MicroPython on the Raspberry Pi Pico

Related Video[edit]


Code Example[edit]

Control the internal LED with MicroPython[edit]

The internal LED is connected to Pin 25.

1 from machine import Pin
2 # the internal LED is connected to Pin 25, we use it as output 
3 myLED = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
4 # this switches the LED on
5 myLED.on()
6 # this switches the LED off
7 myLED.off()

blinking the LED[edit]

 1 from machine import Pin
 2 from time import sleep 
 4 # assume our LED is connected to Pin 26, we use it as output 
 5 myLED = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)
 7 while True:
 8       # this switches the LED on for 1 second
 9       myLED.on()
10       sleep(1)
11       # this switches the LED off for 500 ms
12       myLED.off()
13       sleep(0.5)