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Welcome to Sketching With Hardware Summer Term 2021![edit]

Kickoff (April 15): Task 0[edit]

Please watch Introduction to sketching with hardware on YouTube (16 min): https://youtu.be/Irxo9b5cexs

[Optional] please read “Understanding and researching through making: a plea for functional prototypes” [1], 4 pages magazine paper

[Optional] please watch a longer talk on sketching with hardware (58 min) https://www.ubicomp.net/talks/skhw2021/sketching-ssp05_player.html

Make and bring a paper prototype of head worn device, that provides feedback to the environment about availability of the person, similar to the necklace described in [2].


[1] Albrecht Schmidt. 2017. Understanding and researching through making: a plea for functional prototypes. interactions 24, 3 (May + June 2017), 78–81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3058498 PDF: https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/functional3058498.pdf

[2] Jonna Häkkilä, Romina Poguntke, Emmi Harjuniemi, Lauri Hakala, Ashley Colley, and Albrecht Schmidt. 2020. BuSiNec - Studying the Effects of a Busyness Signifying Necklace in the Wild. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2177–2188. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3357236.3395455 PDF: https://lacris.ulapland.fi/ws/portalfiles/portal/6805172/3357236.3395455.pdf

Session 1: Introduction (May 6)[edit]

  • Discussion of Task 0
  • Introduction to the course book
  • Hardware handout/delivery organization


  • Complete Tasks 1, 3, and 6
  • Submission deadline: May 19 (Uni2Work)

Session 2 (May 20)[edit]

  • Hardware Kit: Did everyone get one?
  • Review Task 1


  • Complete Tasks 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
  • Submission deadline: June 2 (Uni2Work)

Session 3 (June 10)[edit]

  • Forming groups
  • Review tasks from Session 2


  • Complete Tasks 16, 17, 18
  • Group project ideation:

You will create tangible objects that allow for remote gameful experiences. While we are generally very open and tolerant with your interpretation of this theme, there are a few characteristics that you should keep in mind:

- You will need to support remote playful interaction (i.e. at least two players in remote locations) - The playful interaction should be based on very long turn-taking times (e.g. only one turn per day) - The objects should be aesthetically pleasing, i.e. you will want to leave them prominently in your apartment because they serve as a decorative item

Your task for the next session: Create project ideas within your group (i.e. together with your team member) that are in line with this theme. You can use insight combination to do so, by following this approach:

- First, before meeting your partner, everyone of you should independently think about 5 types of games in a broader sense (e.g. bricks; board games; your favourite mobile game; ...) - Second, before meeting your partner, everyone of you should think independently about 5-10 hardware components (sensors, actuators, etc.) - Third, together (!) randomly pick one game type and one hardware component and imagine a project that is in line with our theme. Document your solution! Create and describe at least five projects this way. So, person A randomly picks both and describes a solution. Next, person B does the same, and so on.

Document those five ideas and submit them as well to Uni2Work. We will ask you to pitch at least two ideas during the next session!

Submission deadline: June 23 (Uni2Work)

Session 4 (June 24)[edit]

  • Group project pitches
  • Availability August / September
  • Review tasks from Session 3
  • Group project hardware list

Group Project Sessions (starting July 1)[edit]

  • Weekly check-in (Thursday, 6pm, same link as before)

Voluntary Presence Sessions[edit]

  • If current rules permit it
  • First slot planned for the first week of August (August 2 - 6), concrete dates will be announced later. Location: Frauenlobstr. 7a


Meetings start at 6pm and last around one hour.

15.04. Kickoff: Dates, Format, Hardware delivery organization, Task: read paper and prepare paper prototype

6.05. Hardware presentation, forming teams, Tasks 1

20.05. Tasks 2

10.06. Tasks 3;

24.06. Group projects pitches

01.07. Start of weekly group project sessions