Tasks WiSe2021
Revision as of 19:06, 14 January 2021 by Sebastian feger (talk | contribs)
Semesterplan and Tasks
- Regular Online Session on Thursday 18:00-19:00
- Tutors available in discord:
- 10.12.2020 (Thursday) from 17:00-21:00
- 16.12.2020 (Wednesday) from 17:00-21:00
- on request - please let us know when you want to work on it
Session 1: Introduction (Monday 07th Dec)
- Introduction to the course, presentation of the hardware.
- Organisation - make teams of 2 people
Videos and Tutorials to watch
- Watch the Introduction: https://youtu.be/Irxo9b5cexs
- Go through Tutorial Basics, Tutorial Digital IO, Tutorial Analog IN
- look at the following page: https://micropython-on-wemos-d1-mini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basics.html
Tasks and Submission (Deadline 16th of Dec)
- Unpacking of the hardware
- Install the software on your computer, put the software image onto the ESP8266 D1 mini, see Tutorial Basics
- Task 1: Digital IO
- Connect 3 external LEDs and let it blink in different speeds
- Connect a button to a digital input, when the button is pressed all LEDs should be on
- Task 2: Analog In, PWM Out
- Connect 1 external LED
- Connect a potentiometer to A0 and read the analog value
- change the brightness of the LED with the analog value (PWM)
- write the analog value to the serial line
- Submission:
- Deadline: 16th of December 2020 latest 23:59 (Wednesday)
- For each task submit a video of max 30 seconds (should show the setup, your code on the screen, an the system functioning)
Session 2: Sensors and Actuators (Thursday 17th Dec)
- Discussion of sensors, actuators, libraries
- Organisation - check that teams of 2 people exist
Videos and Tutorials to watch
- Understand how to connect a servo and how to move it, see Tutorial Digital IO
- learn at how to create sounds, see Piezo Speaker
- look at how control a stepper motor Stepper Motor and ULN2003
- get familiar with how to connect the Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
Tasks and Submission (Deadline 13th of Jan)
- Task 1: Play a sound, PWM
- Connect the piezo speaker to an output pin
- Modify the example given in Piezo Speaker to play a part of a Xmas song
- Task 2: Read the distance with HC-SR04
- Connect the Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
- Understand how to include a library in mycropython (see Tutorial Network, Tutorial Display)
- use the hcsr04.py library and read out the distance
- write the distance to the serial line
- Task 3: Implement Theremin-like instrument
- Connect the piezo speaker to an output pin (task 1)
- Connect the Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 (task 2)
- Change the tone (frequency) that is played based on the distance
- write the frequency you play to the serial line
- Task 4: Stepper Motor
- Connect the stepper motor Stepper Motor and ULN2003
- Connect a button (see session 1)
- For a short press on the button move 45° and for a long press move 180°
- there may be a problem with power - see Stepper Motor and ULN2003 - if this is the case just build up the setup and the program and document this
- Task 5:
- Connect the servo motor, see Tutorial Digital IO and SG90 Servo
- Connect a potentiometer to A0 and read the analog value
- Set the position (angle) of the servo based on the analog value
- there may be a problem with power - see SG90 Servo - if this is the case just build up the setup and the program and document this
- Submission:
- Deadline: 13th of January 2021 latest 23:59 (Wednesday)
- For each task submit a video of max 30 seconds (should show the setup, your code on the screen, an the system functioning)
Session 3: Networked IoT Systems (Thursday 14th Jan)
- Network library, Display, ES32, MPU6050
Videos and Tutorials to watch
- Understand the network library Tutorial Network
- Understand the display library Tutorial Display (requires coming to the lab for soldering/picking up ESP32)
- Understand the MPU 6050 Sensor and I2C connection (requires coming to the lab for soldering)
Tasks and Submission (Deadline 20th of Jan)
- Task 1: Play a sound over the network, connected devices
- Connect a potentiometer to A0 and read the analog value
- Write the value to the network Tutorial Network
- Read the value from the network from your team colleague
- Play a sound based on the value you get from the network
- NOT POSSIBLE as we have no access to the lan: Task 2: Subtle communication, connected devices
- (requires coming to the lab for soldering)
- Solder the Pins onto the MPU 6050
- Connect the MPU 6050 Sensor as I2C device
- When the sensor is moved, write a value to the network Tutorial Network
- When the device has not been moved for 10 seconds, write a different value to the network
- Read the movement value from the network from your team colleague
- Switch on the LED if the remote device has been moved
- Alternativ Task 2: Subtle communication, connected devices
- Connect a Sensor (LDR, Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04, PIR Sensor, ...)
- If the sensor value changes, write a value to the network Tutorial Network (not more than every 5 seconds)
- Read the sensor value from the network from your team colleague
- Switch on the LED if the remote site is active (changing sensor values)
- Task 3: Quotes on the Display
- (requires coming to the lab for soldering/picking up ESP32)
- put the micropython image onto the ESP32, see Tutorial Basics and session 1
- Show every minute a random quote on the display (at least 3 different quotes) Tutorial Display
- Task 4: Ideation (for the group projects). Generate ideas within your team using the following process:
- First, before meeting your partner, everyone of you should independently think about 5-10 issues with remote connectedness (eating, dancing, etc.)
- Second, before meeting your partner, everyone of you should think independently about 5-10 hardware components (sensors, actuators, etc.)
- Third, together (!) randomly pick one issue and one hardware component and imagine a project. Save your solution! Create and describe at least five projects this way. So, person A picks both and describes a solution. Next, person B does the same, and so on.
- Submission:
- Deadline: 20th of January 2021 latest 23:59 (Wednesday)
- For each task submit a video of max 30 seconds (should show the setup, your code on the screen, an the system functioning)