Tasks WiSe2021
Revision as of 21:50, 7 December 2020 by Skwhadmin (talk | contribs) (→Session 1: Introduction (Monday 07th Dec))
Semesterplan and Tasks
Online Session on Thursday 18:00-19:00
Session 1: Introduction (Monday 07th Dec)
- Introduction to the course, presentation of the hardware.
- Organisation - make teams of 2 people
Videos and Tutorials to watch
- Watch the Introduction: https://youtu.be/Irxo9b5cexs
- Go through Tutorial Basics, Tutorial Digital IO, Tutorial Analog IN
- look at the following page: https://micropython-on-wemos-d1-mini.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basics.html
Tasks and Submission
- Unpacking of the hardware
- Install the software on your computer, put the software image onto the ESP8266 D1 mini, see Tutorial Basics
- Task 1: Digital IO
- Connect 3 external LEDs and let it blink in different speeds
- Connect a button to a digital input, when the button is pressed all LEDs should be on
- Task 2: Analog In, PWM Out
- Connect 1 external LED
- Connect a potentiometer to A0 and read the analog value
- change the brightness of the LED with the analog value (PWM)
- write the analog value to the serial line
- Submission:
- Deadline: 16th of December 2020 latest 23:59 (Wednesday)
- For each task submit a video of max 30 seconds (should show the setup, your code ond the screen, an the system functioning)