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Foreword to the Sketching With Hardware wiki
Video Tutorials:
Within this wiki:
- Setting up Software on your computer (python, uPyCraft IDE, Putty) [4:20, on Youtube]
- Flashing the MicroPython image onto the ESP32 and ESP8266 microcontroller [17:01, on Youtube]
- Setting it up... What could possibly go wrong when setting it up? [10:32, on Youtube]
- What is in the hardware box? [10:19, on Youtube]
- Digital Output - adding an LED to the controller [30:30 on Youtube]
- Digital Output - connecting an LED - WebREPL based[16:54 on Youtube]**
- PWM Output - connecting a servo - WebREPL based [14:40 on Youtube]**
- Digital Input - connecting a switch [30:31 on Youtube]**
- Analog Input - ADC - connecting a resistor, voltage divider [46:23 on Youtube]**
- Uploading and running python files with uPyCraft IDE [6:48 on Youtube]
- " Connect the ESP32/ESP8266 to the Internet, IoT, [8:52 on Youtube], library
Last News:
We are currently on the Preparation phase (self-paced), get your SWH kit ready and follow the Individual Tasks (6). We will answer your questions in the discord server (links below).
Your SWH Team.
Important Links
Sketching with HW – SoSe2020
Leaning Goals:
- Sketch with programmable Hardware
- Build basic circuits connected to the microcontroller
- Output: LEDs, Servos, Motors, Speakers, Display
- Input: buttons, Dials, Light sensitive resistors, accelerometer, distance, I2C sensors
- Program and Debug MicroPython on ESP32
- Input, Output
- Networking
- Envision a new interactive physical object and implement a functional prototype
Topic of this terms course: Connected objects
- A toy for an animal connected to a representation of it on the owners desk
- The fridge door in the shared flat connected to a bracelet
- Two chairs connected to each other representing the others usage
- At least two connected physical objects (can be more)
- At least one object has to have 2 or more sensors
- At least one object has to have 2 or more actuators
- Object can be different (e.g. dog toy and ball on the users table) or symmetric (e.g. two chairs)
- One sensors has to be “invented”
- The object need to communicate over the internet
Kick-off Meeting (90 Minutes, Zoom), 27.7.2020 at 17:00 – life online event
- Introduction of the topic and format
- Showing examples of the hardware and tools
- Talking about resources
- Introducing participants and teachers
- Building of groups of 3 or 4 students – groups will work remotely
Kits can be picked up (or shipped) to students individually.
Preparation phase (self-paced)
10.8. to 28.8.2020
- There will be tasks and explanation videos provided.
- We will have a Discord Server were you can log in when you are working on your project.
- This way you can talk to the other students and help each other out and chat.
- On workdays, there will be at least one knowledgeable person in the virtual lab so you can get help.
Individual Tasks (6)
- Online exploration of Micropython, [5]
- Getting the ESP32 Hardware running; Blink internal LED, Print to serial line
- Output: LEDs with resistors, RGB LED, PWM
- Input: buttons, Poti, Light sensitive resistor
- Mini System: connecting a servo to a poti, print to Display
- Networking: storing and retrieving variables from the cloud Group Task
- Networked Mini System: generating sound on one ESP based on distance from another ESP
Group Task
Networked Mini System: generating sound on one ESP based on distance from another ESP
For each task a short video (up to 30 seconds) showing the working system and a screenshot showing the code is required. Preferably, we get from each student a video with 6 short videos and a single Document with all the screenshots (task 1 to 6). Deadline is 28.08.2020. Each group has also to provide one video for the group task and prepare an idea for their connected object – presented in a video of up to 2 minutes. Deadline is 28.08.2020.
Intermediate Meeting
(90 Minutes, Zoom), 31.08.2020 at 5pm - live online event
- All group project proposals are presented (if you cannot make this date, you may submit a video recording of your idea)
- Discussion on feasibility
- Discussion of time plan
Project phase (self-paced in groups;
expected time required: 4 days full time)
- Each group sets a time plan and hands it in
- Each group makes a shopping list for things required
- Each group defines 3 milestones (what is achieved when)
- Each group makes meetings with teaching staff, will put this on the web page so others can drop in'
- Individual sessions for help are available over zoom
- Each group makes an individual date to learn about the lab (soldering) and laser cutter
Final deadline of the project:
30.09.2020 (you can hand in earlier!)
Video containing:
- The realized project vision like an advert (showing your functional prototype) ~ 30 seconds
- A description of your the system with some detail of what you built/programmed ~ 3 min
- Making off of your system showing impression from your development ~ 5 minutes
- Abstract of the project vision (200 words),
- building plan/schematic,
- code,
- photos in a single PDF
Group feedback session after handing in (20 Minutes Zoom call)
Public presentation either at the open lab day in WS 20/21 or on the webpage.