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The LMU SKWH 2020 - LMU Sketching with Hardware course (Summer Term 2020) we have completed the Preparation phase (self-paced), and done the Individual Tasks. Please get organized in your group.

We will answer your questions in the discord server (links below).

Todos for you:

Here are some recent changes:


At this point there is only one course (summer term 2020 at LMU) ... but we hope for more in the future.

Please go to the course page for details, timeline, and requirements:

  • LMU SKWH 2020 - LMU Sketching with Hardware, Summer Term 2020
  • there is also a gallery with results from the last course: Gallery 2020

Foreword and Introduction to Sketching With Hardware

The course is part of our question of how to create functional prototypes for exploring interactive systems. There are some introductory slides ( pptx, pdf) that are shown in the introductory video (

In the article "Understanding and researching through making: a plea for functional prototypes" (online via ACM DL or as PDF) we discuss three different approaches to create prototypes. In this course, we are focusing custom hardware development for research and development in human-computer interaction.

Learning Goals

The overall learning goal is to equip students with skills to Envision a new interactive physical object and implement it a functional prototype, this includes:

  • understand why sketching with hardware is relevant
  • understand the challenges in creating function prototypes
  • being able to create basic hardware sketches
  • being able to program and debug MicroPython on ESP32/ESP8266
  • being able to build basic circuits connected to the microcontroller, including
    • output: LEDs, servos, motors, speakers, display
    • input: buttons, dials, sliders, LDR, accelerometer, distance, I2C sensors
  • being able to program basic networking (network variables)

Important Links

Video Tutorials

List of Videos available