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We meet every week for our regular Thursday slot from now on. In case we do not meet, this is announced in class the week before.
We meet every week for our regular Thursday slot from now on. In case we do not meet, this is announced in class the week before.

Latest revision as of 15:20, 12 June 2024

Welcome to Sketching With Hardware Winter Term 2021/2022![edit]

This is the main page for this class.

Please join the Discord channel, as described in the kickoff slides on Uni2Work. The Discord channel is the primary information channel.

In case of urgent and sensitive requests, you can contact us on our mailing list: swh@um.ifi.lmu.de

Please always use this mailing list. E-Mails sent to individual members of the teaching team might not be answered (on time).


All meetings will be held at Frauenlobstr. 7a in Room 357. Please note the 3G regulations for accessing the building.

Dates (Phase I: Learning Phase)[edit]

All sessions start at 6pm (18:00 Uhr) and last one hour.

Session 1: Introduction (25.11)[edit]

  • Introduction to the course book
  • Hardware handout/delivery


  • Complete Tasks 1, 3, 6, and 9
  • Submission deadline: December 8 (Uni2Work)

Session 2: Review and next tasks (09.12.)[edit]

  • Review Tasks 1, 3, 6, and 9
  • Next Course Book Chapters
  • Forming Teams


  • Complete Tasks 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18
  • Submission deadline: January 12 (Uni2Work), i.e. around three weeks of time during the regular lecture term (excluding the break)

Session 3: Checkin (16.12.)[edit]

  • Opportunity to ask questions related to the current tasks

Session 4: Review and start of group project organization (13.01)[edit]

Task: see slides

= Group project sessions[edit]

We meet every week for our regular Thursday slot from now on. In case we do not meet, this is announced in class the week before.