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= Foreword to the Sketching With Hardware wiki =
= Latest News =
TODO - basically what we had in the first live session
We did a course on Edge ML, implementing machine learning on a RP2024 device. This isclude sensor data acquisition, model training and deplyoment, see '''[[UBISS2024]]'''.
= Video Tutorials =
There is now a new page on '''[[Circuitpython|CircuitPython]]'''. This is useful, if you require specific libraries (e.g. emulating a keyboard, mouse, or game controller).
* [[Tutorial Basics]]
* [[Tutorial Digital IO]]
* [[Tutorial Analog IN]]
= Tasks and Requirements =
The '''[[LMU SKWH 2020]]''' - LMU Sketching with Hardware course (Summer Term 2020) we have completed the Preparation phase (self-paced), and done the [[Tasks SoSe2020|Individual Tasks]].  
The course includes several [[Tasks SoSe2020|tasks]]. First, there is a self-paced preparation phase with individual tasks. Then there is a group task to explore how connecting devices in different locations over the internet works. And finally, there is the group project. This is the main thing - you should make a fun hardaware sketch!
Please get organized in your group.
* [[Tasks SoSe2020|Individual tasks and group assignement]] in the preparation phase
We will answer your questions in the discord server (links below).
* [[Group Project SoSe2020]]
= List of Videos available =
'''Todo'''s for you:
* https://youtu.be/DnBBB8AcvBg Setting up Software on your computer (python, uPyCraft IDE, Putty) [4:20, on Youtube]
* Please provide the planing (time, shopping, milestones, topic) for your group project - see [[Group_Project_SoSe2020#Requirements | Requirements]]
* https://youtu.be/_TrKPDOReJc Flashing the MicroPython image onto the ESP32 and ESP8266 microcontroller [17:01, on Youtube]
* there is a [[Feedback]] page - if you encounter(ed) any issue with the information, kit, video - please let us know
* https://youtu.be/jhfURkMZVEs Setting it up... What could possibly go wrong when setting it up? [10:32, on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/e3No4wGGQas What is in the hardware box? [10:19, on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/0KGgYsEZcZM Digital Output - adding an LED to the controller [30:30 on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/G6HZ1etMRbM Digital Output - connecting an LED - WebREPL based[16:54 on Youtube]**
* https://youtu.be/_4bXk8JjQSk PWM Output - connecting a servo - WebREPL based [14:40 on Youtube]**
* https://youtu.be/va1beT6sxLs Digital Input - connecting a switch [30:31 on Youtube]**
* https://youtu.be/gjj5KyK2qGI Analog Input - ADC - connecting a resistor, voltage divider [46:23 on Youtube]**
* https://youtu.be/MXfj_gWf0z4 Uploading and running python files with uPyCraft IDE [6:48 on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/PJ3nQo_Hw3I  Connect the ESP32/ESP8266 to the Internet, IoT, netvars.py [8:52 on Youtube], https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/netvars.py library
<h2 id="last-news">Last News:</h2>
Here are some recent changes:
<p>We are currently on the Preparation phase (self-paced), get your SWH kit ready and follow the Individual Tasks (6). We will answer your questions in the discord server (links below).</p>
* Introduction to the [[Workshop]] in Frauenlobstr.
<p><b>The page describing the [[LED]] is now setup as example</b>
* There is now more information about the [[RGB LED]] including a tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2m6ttZ1bJw
<p><b>The first tutorial pages are up: [[Tutorial Basics]] and [[Tutorial Digital IO]]</b>
* There is an example of how to program the [[LED Ring NeoPixel]]
* The page describing the [[LED]] is now setup as example
<p>Your SWH Team.</p>
* Tutorial pages are up: [[Tutorial Basics]], [[Tutorial Digital IO]], [[Tutorial Analog IN]], [[Tutorial Display]], and [[Tutorial Network]]
* There are pages with the [[Tasks SoSe2020|Individual Tasks]] as well as for the [[Group Project SoSe2020]]
<h2 id="important-links">Important Links</h2>
* There is a description of the [[Tasks SoSe2020]]
<p>Wiki: [[Main Page]] or:</p>
<li>[[Special:RequestAccount|Create a new account]]</li>
<p>Discord Server:</p>
<li>Invitation: [https://discord.com/invite/JhMs6jX] </li>
<p>Micropython: [https://micropython.org/:https://micropython.org]</p>
<p>Course page: [https://www.um.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/studium_lehre/ss20/swh/index.html]</p>
<h2 id="sketching-with-hw--sose2020">Sketching with HW – SoSe2020</h2>
<p>Leaning Goals:</p>
<li>Sketch with programmable Hardware</li>
<li>Build basic circuits connected to the microcontroller
<li>Output: LEDs, Servos, Motors, Speakers, Display</li>
<li>Input: buttons, Dials, Light sensitive resistors, accelerometer, distance, I2C sensors</li>
<li>Program and Debug MicroPython on ESP32
<li>Input, Output</li>
<li>Envision a new interactive physical object and implement a functional prototype</li>
<h2 id="topic-of-this-terms-course-connected-objects">Topic of this terms course: Connected objects</h2>
<h3 id="examples">Examples:</h3>
<li>A toy for an animal connected to a representation of it on the owners desk</li>
<li>The fridge door in the shared flat connected to a bracelet</li>
<li>Two chairs connected to each other representing the others usage</li>
<h3 id="requirements">Requirements:</h3>
<li>At least two connected physical objects (can be more)</li>
<li>At least one object has to have 2 or more sensors</li>
<li>At least one object has to have 2 or more actuators</li>
<li>Object can be different (e.g. dog toy and ball on the users table) or symmetric (e.g. two chairs)</li>
<li>One sensors has to be “invented”</li>
<li>The object need to communicate over the internet</li>
= Courses =
At this point there is only one course (summer term 2020 at LMU) ... but we hope for more in the future.
= Timetable =
Please go to the course page for details, timeline, and requirements:
* '''[[LMU SKWH 2020]]''' - LMU Sketching with Hardware, Summer Term 2020
* there is also a gallery with results from the last course: [[Gallery 2020]]
== Kick-off Meeting (90 Minutes, Zoom), 27.7.2020 at 17:00 – life online event  ==
= Foreword and Introduction to Sketching With Hardware =
* Introduction of the topic and format
The course is part of our question of how to create functional prototypes for exploring interactive systems. There are some introductory slides (
* Showing examples of the hardware and tools
[https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/WhySKHW2020.pptx pptx], [https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/WhySKHW2020.pdf pdf]) that are shown in the introductory video (https://youtu.be/Irxo9b5cexs).
* Talking about resources
* Introducing participants and teachers
* Building of groups of 3 or 4 students – groups will work remotely
* Kits can be picked up (or shipped) to students individually.
== Preparation phase (self-paced) ==
In the article "Understanding and researching through making: a plea for functional prototypes" (online via [https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3058498 ACM DL] or as [https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/functional3058498.pdf PDF]) we discuss three different approaches to create prototypes. In this course, we are focusing custom hardware development for research and development in human-computer interaction.
10.8. to 28.8.2020
The is a detailed description of the [[Tasks SoSe2020|tasks]] and requiements at: '''[[Tasks SoSe2020]'''
There are different video Tutorials available, e.g.
== Learning Goals ==
The overall learning goal is to equip students with skills to '''Envision a new interactive physical object and implement it a functional prototype''', this includes:
* understand why sketching with hardware is relevant
* understand the challenges in creating function prototypes
* being able to create basic hardware sketches
* being able to program and debug MicroPython on ESP32/ESP8266
* being able to build basic circuits connected to the microcontroller, including
** output: LEDs, servos, motors, speakers, display
** input: buttons, dials, sliders, LDR, accelerometer, distance, I2C sensors
* being able to program basic networking (network variables)
We will have a Discord Server were you can log in when you are working on your project.
= Important Links =
This way you can talk to the other students and help each other out and chat.
* Wiki: https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/wiki and please [[Special:RequestAccount|Create a new account]]
On workdays, there will be at least one knowledgeable person in the virtual lab so you can get help.
* Micropython: https://micropython.org/
* If you have questions, please email to [mailto:swh@um.ifi.lmu.de swh@um.ifi.lmu.de]
= Video Tutorials =
* [[Tutorial Basics]]
* [[Tutorial Digital IO]]
* [[Tutorial Analog IN]]
* [[Tutorial Display]]
* [[Tutorial Network]]
* [[Tutorial AutoRun]]
== Intermediate Meeting ==
= List of Videos available =
(90 Minutes, Zoom), 31.08.2020 at 5pm - live online event
* https://youtu.be/DnBBB8AcvBg Setting up Software on your computer (python, [[uPyCraft]] IDE, Putty) [4:20, on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/_TrKPDOReJc Flashing the MicroPython image onto the ESP32 and ESP8266 microcontroller [17:01, on Youtube]
All group project proposals are presented (if you cannot make this date, you may submit a video recording of your idea)
* https://youtu.be/jhfURkMZVEs Setting it up... What could possibly go wrong when setting it up? [10:32, on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/e3No4wGGQas What is in the hardware box? [10:19, on Youtube]
See [[Tasks SoSe2020]] and [[Group Project SoSe2020]] for details and requirements.
* https://youtu.be/0KGgYsEZcZM Digital Output - adding an LED to the controller [30:30 on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/G6HZ1etMRbM Digital Output - connecting an LED - WebREPL based[16:54 on Youtube]**
== Getting started ==
* https://youtu.be/XovIHYo7s1A PWM Output - connecting a servo [45:38 on Youtube]**
* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Configuration_settings Configuration settings list]
* https://youtu.be/va1beT6sxLs Digital Input - connecting a switch [30:31 on Youtube]**
* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:FAQ MediaWiki FAQ]
* https://youtu.be/gjj5KyK2qGI Analog Input - ADC - connecting a resistor, voltage divider [46:23 on Youtube]**
* [https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-announce MediaWiki release mailing list]
* https://youtu.be/MXfj_gWf0z4 Uploading and running python files with [[uPyCraft]] IDE [6:48 on Youtube]
* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Localisation#Translation_resources Localise MediaWiki for your language]
* https://youtu.be/PJ3nQo_Hw3I Connect the ESP32/ESP8266 to the Internet, IoT, netvars.py [8:52 on Youtube], https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/netvars.py module
* [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Combating_spam Learn how to combat spam on your wiki]
* https://youtu.be/UbxwePvgX-U Print to the OLED Display that is mounted to the ESP32 board [22:00 on Youtube], https://www.sketching-with-hardware.org/files/display.zip include the ssd1306.py module and examples to use it
* https://youtu.be/kzgUN_h1bqw Use main.py as entry point to start your MicroPython code [29:23 on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/K2m6ttZ1bJw Connecting an RGB-LED and programming it with Micropython [31:11 on Youtube]
* https://youtu.be/HPQMvL1SP_c Connecting speakers and an amplifier, creating sounds ==
* https://youtu.be/3J3GbD2PrCs Connecting the analog Joystick
* https://youtu.be/C0W-wI0qHIQ Connecting a PIR motion sensor
* https://youtu.be/EIwjeek5hnM Connecting a stepper motor (28BYJ-48) and driver (ULN2003)
* https://youtu.be/PJdDUZWeIDs Connecting the HC-SR04 distance sensor
* https://youtu.be/YFKACI_TfqA Connecting the MPU-6050 sensor (acceleration, gyro, temperature)

Latest revision as of 00:02, 24 June 2024

Latest News[edit]

We did a course on Edge ML, implementing machine learning on a RP2024 device. This isclude sensor data acquisition, model training and deplyoment, see UBISS2024.

There is now a new page on CircuitPython. This is useful, if you require specific libraries (e.g. emulating a keyboard, mouse, or game controller).

The LMU SKWH 2020 - LMU Sketching with Hardware course (Summer Term 2020) we have completed the Preparation phase (self-paced), and done the Individual Tasks. Please get organized in your group.

We will answer your questions in the discord server (links below).

Todos for you:

  • Please provide the planing (time, shopping, milestones, topic) for your group project - see Requirements
  • there is a Feedback page - if you encounter(ed) any issue with the information, kit, video - please let us know

Here are some recent changes:


At this point there is only one course (summer term 2020 at LMU) ... but we hope for more in the future.

Please go to the course page for details, timeline, and requirements:

  • LMU SKWH 2020 - LMU Sketching with Hardware, Summer Term 2020
  • there is also a gallery with results from the last course: Gallery 2020

Foreword and Introduction to Sketching With Hardware[edit]

The course is part of our question of how to create functional prototypes for exploring interactive systems. There are some introductory slides ( pptx, pdf) that are shown in the introductory video (https://youtu.be/Irxo9b5cexs).

In the article "Understanding and researching through making: a plea for functional prototypes" (online via ACM DL or as PDF) we discuss three different approaches to create prototypes. In this course, we are focusing custom hardware development for research and development in human-computer interaction.

Learning Goals[edit]

The overall learning goal is to equip students with skills to Envision a new interactive physical object and implement it a functional prototype, this includes:

  • understand why sketching with hardware is relevant
  • understand the challenges in creating function prototypes
  • being able to create basic hardware sketches
  • being able to program and debug MicroPython on ESP32/ESP8266
  • being able to build basic circuits connected to the microcontroller, including
    • output: LEDs, servos, motors, speakers, display
    • input: buttons, dials, sliders, LDR, accelerometer, distance, I2C sensors
  • being able to program basic networking (network variables)

Important Links[edit]

Video Tutorials[edit]

List of Videos available[edit]